Legal Drone Flying - Wedding & Events

Aerial Photography & Filming adds an incredible, once in a lifetime dimension to your special event or wedding provided the drone pilot is fully legal to fly and anybody that allows an illegal pilot to fly at their wedding venue is putting guests and the building at risk of injury & property damage.  We are of course experienced commercial drone pilots, holding a full CAA approved & current PFCO, fully insured for commercial drone operations and proud to be professional commercial members of Drone Safe Register, so you are in safe hands with us! We are also available for hire by any professional to the wedding /event industry who require an aerial element to their own services, reducing any risk. After all not everyone is cut out to be a professional commercial drone pilot. Flying drones not only requires great skill, but involves a lot of paperwork i.e. annual licence reviews, flight logs, update of technical manuals, ability to read flight charts, weather briefs, NOTAMS and risk assessment as well as regular maintenance of equipment. No different to sitting in our own plane and flying it so there is far more to it than meets the eye, before we have even taken off.

So remember don't take any chances or you could be risking more than just your wedding vows! Please contact us for further details. 

Burlison Photography
High Street
St Mary Bourne
SP11 6AY

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